So it’s been a couple of months since my
last blog & I thought I would update everyone on how things are going with
everything I talked about in my first blog.
Firstly my fundraising is going really
good, at first it wasn't so good and I wanted to give up before praying, but I prayed together with a very
good friend and God started providing and telling what I
needed to do so I can get the money to go, at the beginning of January I need
£1000.00 to pay, now I only have £329.17 to pay and its only the beginning of March so in over two months I have raised £670.83, the only way I have done this is
by praying and having support from family and friends. The ways I have raised
this money is by babysitting and working.
Secondly, I HAD MY JABS, YAY!!! In my last blog I was talking about needing jabs and tablets for India, well I had all my jabs apart from one which I
don’t need until June just before we go, and the best bit of having my jabs was that I
wasn’t ill like I normally am, which was amazing. Having my jabs makes it
exciting because I am one step closer to going to India, whoop whoop. I also have my malaria tablets, I have got the ones called doxycycline
which I think most of the team are going to be taking.
Overall, things are going well with
fundraising and the medical side of things, I think we will be doing our visas soon which is exciting but also very stressful for us and our leaders to sort out, so I ask for prayer for that. I also ask for prayer for the team to be united before we go away to India.