Wednesday, 11 December 2013


This last week the world has and is mourning the loss of Nelson Mandela, a man with a courageous and forgiving heart, with such depth of understanding of his freedom, that we cannot help but be inspired, moved by his words, and his legacy.

As we stand at the beginning of our journey, having only taken a few small steps, I am reminded of this quote from 2005, when Nelson Mandela addressed over 22,000 people in Trafalgar Square.

"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom. Of course the task will not be easy. But not to do this would be a crime against humanity, against which I ask all humanity now to rise up." (Make Poverty History)

Those words echoed in my thoughts, I was meant to be part of the generation to be great, but what does that really mean? I've never really seen myself as great.  When those words would dash through my mind, sometimes pausing, sometimes fleeting, I imagined being great with other people.  Of loving others, the least and the lost with all my heart, but always surrounded by people all on different journeys but for the same common purpose. 

To be great, I believe that we must do it together.  We need to be a generation, that calls on everyone to be great.  It is not about the individual, and yet it is about every individual.  It is about using our gifts and idiosyncrasies to work together to enable every person to know they are loved, wanted and belong in this world whatever their background. 

It also means that we must do all this through faith in a God who is all powerful and all loving, who is just, and full of grace. 

Re:Route/Root's vision is embodied in this abundant grace of God.  The summer mission project to Goa, and being part of Lark in the Park in May is all part of the outworking & outpouring of this vision and His grace. 

We want to be a community of young people that love loving Jesus, who walk with integrity, living life as an act of worship to God, with hearts of justice that spur us into action as we reach out with courage to be great for His Kingdom. 

I am expectant for what God is doing  in the Youth Ministries and the young people in the coming months.  The tasks ahead are not easy, nor are they treacherous, but when they walk the journey together with God, their hearts of justice, grace & the love for their saviour will surely grow. 

I am looking forward to watching our young people rise up. 

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