Wednesday, 6 August 2014

A Future and a Hope

That will be a familiar phrase to many of you, and it sums up what Bethesda Life Centre is giving the wonderful children we are serving.  To return and meet again those who Martin and Beena have been caring for for many years gives great joy and cause for praise.  We cannot know how these young lives may have turned out without this great work, but to see them safe and secure, loved and cared for is moving indeed.  To see the older ones now moving in to the world of work is incredible, the cycle of poverty which traps so many being broken in a powerful way.  To see how well those I first met in the junior boys home are now growing up and becoming confident young men in the senior boys home is cause for much celebration.  To see how the older girls care for the younger ones a privilege and again cause for much praise.
The team are a joy to lead and their hard work and dedication an inspiration to all they meet.
They stand head and shoulders above so many of their peers, and their growing understanding of God's heart for justice will see them doing great Kingdom work in the Years ahead.  They have achieved so much it would seem they have been here for so much longer than 10 days.
I thank you all for praying for me and thank God for my good health and the joy and laughter that have characterised my time here.  I also give thanks that my patience has endured all things Indian - we have a God of the truly miraculous!



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